However you happened to end up stumbling upon my site, I am super glad you did!
I intend to bring the people of Albuquerque the freshest most naturally grown produce possible. I have some huge things planned for the 2019 season and I am glad you are here checking it all out. The website will grow as I figure out what I am doing. Bear with me and we should be”in business” quite soon 🙂 Thanks for your support!
Hi there everybody!
Thank you so much for checking out 🙂 I am excited to have this site up and running, and stoked to share in the abundance of the Earth with you all.
This is the part of the page where we can discuss various related topics/ask and answer questions and so forth. Let’s have a conversation! I’ll go first.
My name is Chris Patchett, and I am “The Vegetable Chrisper”. I began farming in 2006 and although my operation is not “certified organic”, I can easily assure you of my disdain for and active resistance to the misled strategies of corporate agriculture. These giant corporations were designed to make money, not to care for the health and well being of the greater public. Synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, G.M.O.’s and industrial mono-cropping are poisonous methodologies and are extremely detrimental to the environment. Beyond having nightmarish implications in the long run, these strategies are largely indications of a failing centralized food system that is constantly attempting to hastily “fix” nature in order to increase production. In this system, excessive amounts food are shipped across the world and often go unused while there are hungry people everywhere. Perhaps, if there was an abundance of fresh, local produce emerging from smaller farms and gardens in our communities, the impetus to force plants into increased production with questionable methods would lessen. Nature already has a perfect answer to any garden issue. Wait, watch and learn. There is probably a lesson in there somewhere. Just a thought.
Let us take back the knowledge of natural farming and decentralize our food sources. Perhaps the food just needs to be in the right place (everywhere). Rant, rant, rant. Did I mention I now have seeds for sale?
I am really glad you made it, thanks for reading and please stay in touch. What are your comments/concerns?
The Vegetable Chrisper
I’m glad I found such a passionate purveyor of perfect produce. Yum yum.